Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today Tuesday playgroup went on a tour of the fire station where Izzy's Daddy works. Wow, the kids had fun! We got to see where they sleep, eat, workout and where the trucks are. They turned on the lights and let the kids get in! Whoo hoo! Here is a picture of the group -

I knew that Cole had a great time but didn’t really know how much he soaked in until later that afternoon.

I heard a fire truck and it sounded like it was right outside. I looked out my garage door and it was at my neighbors house – Hooray!!. I of course get excited and say ‘Colie, Colie, Colie there is a fire truck outside let’s go!!”. My little junior fire fighter runs and gets his plastic red hat from this morning puts it on and runs outside with me. Is that not the cutest thing you have heard?!?!. We walk up and look around and hang out to see what is going on. The fire fighters come out and think Cole is the cutest thing ever. They open up the doors and ask him if he wants to go in. he was a little shy and probably star shocked at this time. So we watched them drive off and they turned the lights on just for us.

So, at this point in time I think Cole wants to be a fire fighter when he grows up!!

1 comment:

Team Thompson said...

I want to go! So much fun!