Sunday, June 21, 2009

Favorite things for the week

Some of my new favorite things:

My Snow Cone Barista!!!

I went to Target yesterday and saw all these fun supplies for making snow cones! Horray!!! Colie can eat ice all day long and sometimes he eats ice for lunch and dinner. So, as a fun treat I thought i would get a snow cone maker. We love it! So, if you are in the neighborhood stop in for a snow cone!

My next favorite things are my new growth charts!!! I have been meaning to get some growth charts for the boys but have never gotten around to it. I was browsing through some etsy stores and came across some cute growth charts that were totally affordable. They are so stinking cute and were only $15 each!! If you would like the link to the store just let me know. I love etsy, it's a great place for homemade goods. Most of you know that i sale some stuff on etsy, but if you haven't ever visited I suggest you do. Lots of neat things.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Love the growth charts. Alexander has one hanging in his room with airplanes. I swear he goes and measures himself like twice a week to see if he's grown:)