Sunday, January 30, 2011

sledding in flag

Earlier this month we took the kids up north to go sledding and to meet up with our old neighbors the Hustons. We brought my mom along too to help out with the kids. We arrived Friday night and my mom stayed back with the kids while Chad and I went on a double date with Bobbi and Scott. It was so fun to catch up and we had a great time talking and eating.

The next morning we went to a hill in their neighborhood and took the boys sledding. Cole loved it!!!!!!! he couldn't get enough of it. Carson...loved the snow and wanted to keep eating it every chance he got. Caylee stayed all cute and bundled and was a perfect angle. We can't wait to head up north next year. We have decided that we are going to start Cole in skiing lessons and maybe Carson.

bobbi and scott at the top of the hill

lil miss caylee all bundled up!!

Carson sledding with daddy

yum...more snow to eat

Grammy Kay hanging out with Caylee

Cole thinking this is the awesomest thing ever!!!!

After sledding we headed back to the Huston's for pizza. Caylee got to play with the twins.

Chad made an adorable snowman with Wyatt and Cole

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