Carson is 6 months old!! We had our doctor's appoitment this morning and Carson weighed in at 18.8 lbs and is 27 3/4 inches long! He has slowed down in the weight department and is now in the 50% and in the 90% for height. His bottom two teeth are poking through and the doc also pointed out that all four teeth on top are getting ready to pop out - poor thing! That would explain why he feels the need to put anything he can in his mouth.
We also started baby food this week. He isn't too keen on the rice cereal but gobbled up the peas I gave him last night. He opens his mouth up everytime the spoon comes near his mouth. These boys do not need to be taught how to eat, i think it comes naturally to them:)
Carson has a new nick name that Grandpa Don gave him - he is now called "w" for wiggles. This kid can't sit still for the life of him and feels the need to roll and wiggle all the time. He is also my mister chatty and talks all the time. he is too precious. I think Carson is going to be my Mr. Personality!! Next week the boys will be getting their 2 year and 6 month pictures. Can't wait to post them!