Friday, December 31, 2010


Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!!! What a fun time we had this year. First, Carson called santa clause Ho Ho all season and i thought that was the cutest thing. Second, Cole totally got the whole Santa thing this year and was so super excited and third, it was Caylees first Christmas. I know I post a lot of pics of how cute I think my miss Caylee Bear is ....but this time i would like to brag about my handsome Colie Bear and Carson. They are two of the cutest boys in town...

We had a busy holiday. First we hosted christmas eve at our house for Chads family. Every year we host and we stick with the mexican theme (my personal fave)! This year uncle Phi lgot all the kids fire crackers for their presents. They ranged from sparklers to little crackers and everyone enjoyed our very own fire works show in the backyard. After everyone left we made sure to sprinkle our reindeer food on the front lawn and leave out our cookies for santa.

Christmas morning - I was feeding the baby around 5 and heard Cole get up and look out his window. I am sure he was looking to see if there were any signs of santa. Once i heard him, i put caylee down, ran to my room and set up the video camera for the hallway. I am not too sure who was more excited Cole or me and Chad. Chad and I laid in bed and just listened. We heard a wow then he snuck back into his room. Then he headed into Carson's room to tell him that Santa was here and he got a pillow pet! During all of this Chad and I were still laying in bed giggling and listening to this over the monitor. Finally the boys yelled for us to come out and that Santa was here. The boys had a very merry christmas and each received train tracks, batman toys and other fun things. Caylee got her two front teeth, some cute teething toys...and a sign a ma jig!! Woot Woot!!

Later that day we headed over to my moms for our annual steak and crab leg dinner. Yummo! We had a wonderful and fabulous day and so fortunate to be able to spend it with our family.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

cookie fun

We had some friends over a week before Christmas to decorate cookies. The kids had fun decorating and Carson had fun eating all the trimmings and frosting. That's my boy!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays from the Perhams

2010 Christmas Card

merry christmas from Caylee

i am addicted to baby girl clothes. The stuff they make for little girls is out of this world. Plus...she's my cutie pa-tootie!!!

She rocks at tummy time but let's talk about her bow!! The headband has velcro on it so you can switch out the topper. Genious!! I got it at a boutique that i was in. Another vendor wanted to know if i wanted to trade merchandise - capes for bows. hells yeah!!

She's getting stronger by the day and will be sitting in no time.

Can we just say target!!! Look at that adorable onezie with the built in red tulle skirt and the tights....the tights are to die for.

it's like a fashion show every day!! One day she won't let me put her in all these get-ups so might as well do it while i can!!

Gilbert Fire to the Rescue

What? What's that you say...Gilbert Fire Department came to the house a couple weeks ago??? Why yes, if you lock your child in the car they will come too!!!

So.o.o.o. I was getting ready to meet a friend for dinner at the ever so delicious Chick Fil A when I locked my daughter in the car. We walk into the garage and the boys run straight towards the trees in the center of the cud de sac to collect acorns (ok, they are not really acorns but that's what we call them). I put the baby in the car then start the car as if I amthreatening the boys like I may leave without them. I shut the door...then say S&*T about as loud as I can realizing the doors have locked and caylee and my keys are inside the car.

No need to panic, she is safe so I go inside and look up the non-emergency fire department number. While I am on the phone with them I am updating my facebook status as well! Multi-tasking!!! MInutes later the fire truck pulls up and the boys are umipng up and down!!! While some of the fire department cuties are rescuing little caylee the other kind fire fighter is giving my boys a tour of the truck. WOW, my boys were in heaven!! All i needed was 10 more kids and some cupcakes and I would call that a Birthday Party!!!

Caylee is safe, the spare key is now put away safely outside ofmy car, and the boys pretended to be fire trucks all night long....All in all it was a good day!

Carson waiving to the fire truck as they pulled up (do you ever wonder what we would do if we didn't have cameras on our cell phones???)

Big brother Cole taking a tour of the truck while they try to get Caylee out of the car

My baby is saved!!

family fun day

Once a month the playgroup that I am in hosts a family fun day. Well this month Les and Amy hosted and they went all out. They ordered snow balls from bahama bucks and we all chipped in and bought a santa for the hour. The kids had a blastthrowing the snow balls against the fence. Later that evening we gathered the kids around the tree and told them santa clause was coming. They all started chanting for santa. The rent a santa was the cutest santa I've seen. We were all pleased. Santa pulled presents out of the bag and called each childs name one at a time. Cole got called first and went to sit on his lap. Santahanded him his present and he was so excited when he opened it.A ROBOT!!! did santa know that. Carson wanted no part but still got his present....a ROBOT too!!!! We had a blast and look forward to next years december dinner.

meet the mommies

Cole getting ready to visit with santa

I am so brave I am sitting on Santa's lap. We have come a long way.

no flipping way....a robot!!!

All the kids waiting for santa to arrive

um...what should we do with her????

throwing snow balls

hey batter batter

my little carsey

caylee looks like santas little helper

Friday, December 17, 2010

gobble gobble

A couple days ago we introduced Caylee to rice cereal and a sippy cup. She has been grabbing at my drinks lately and licking her chops every time we are I thought it was time. Boy, she didn't mess around. She opened wide the minute that spoon got near her mouth and gobbled it down. She loves the sippy cup and the boys love to help her with it. I think more is going into the cup then coming out!! It's a bit foggy after she takes a drink.

i'm a big boy now

Look who can ride a bike!!!! Oh ya...that's Carson. I love the fact that we live in a cul de sac. The boys have so much fun riding around and we don't have to worry about traffic.

Caylee watching her big brother ride a bike.

trimming the tree

This year the boys got their very own christmas tree. Let me tell you what am amazing idea this was. They love to decorate it every day and the best part is....they don't mess with mine or the presents under it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

cute little butter butt

My little Caylee Bear is the cutest thing ever!! I love her to pieces. When she wakes up she rolls over to her back and waits for someone to come get her. you can hear her babbling in the crib but as soon as you open the door to go and get her, she stops. It's like she's waiting to see who it is. Then as soon as she sees you the most precious smile beams across her face that melts your heart. "mommy's here...yay!!!" is what is written all over. Those moments were my most precious with the boys as well. Once I moved Carson to the big boy bed I was sad as i didn't get to savor that last "yay, she's coming to get me outta here smile". I am sure to savor every precious moment as this is the last for the perham gang.

I love getting Caylee dressed every morning. The stuff they have for little girls is CRAZY! I love it all...I am addicted!! One day she will look at these pictures
and say "OMG i can't believe you put me in some of these get ups or did I ever not have a bow?!" She is growing so fast. I am not excited that she has two teeth and two more about ready to pop thru her gums, or that she had rice cereal today or that she will be moving before we know. Why??? She is growing up way to fast.

Here are some pictures working on tummy time:

P.S. if you haven't noticed already, she has the tiniest nose. She takes after her mommy!!

brotherly love

Cole is so stinking cute!!! Both boys absolutely LOVE their baby sister. The other day Cole was getting ready for his nap so baby Caylee and I came in to snuggle and read books. He told me that he wanted to read to caylee. So...needless to say off i went to go and get the camera.

Caylee is lucky to have two older brothers to love and protect her. She may not
like it one day, but Chad and I sure do.

Pictures with Santa

We have had some great pictures of the kids with santa over the years:

And now for this year's pics with Santa....

Caylee did great as long as she could see mom, Cole didn't seem to mind Santa this year....but Carson...wanted nothing to do with him.

We took the kids to Bass Pro Shop for their pictures with santa. They are free and the place is so entertaining for the kids. The loved looking at the fish, playing the games and riding the elevator. Looking forward being able to tell my kids all month that if they aren't good I am going to tell Santa!!!