Friday, December 31, 2010


Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!!! What a fun time we had this year. First, Carson called santa clause Ho Ho all season and i thought that was the cutest thing. Second, Cole totally got the whole Santa thing this year and was so super excited and third, it was Caylees first Christmas. I know I post a lot of pics of how cute I think my miss Caylee Bear is ....but this time i would like to brag about my handsome Colie Bear and Carson. They are two of the cutest boys in town...

We had a busy holiday. First we hosted christmas eve at our house for Chads family. Every year we host and we stick with the mexican theme (my personal fave)! This year uncle Phi lgot all the kids fire crackers for their presents. They ranged from sparklers to little crackers and everyone enjoyed our very own fire works show in the backyard. After everyone left we made sure to sprinkle our reindeer food on the front lawn and leave out our cookies for santa.

Christmas morning - I was feeding the baby around 5 and heard Cole get up and look out his window. I am sure he was looking to see if there were any signs of santa. Once i heard him, i put caylee down, ran to my room and set up the video camera for the hallway. I am not too sure who was more excited Cole or me and Chad. Chad and I laid in bed and just listened. We heard a wow then he snuck back into his room. Then he headed into Carson's room to tell him that Santa was here and he got a pillow pet! During all of this Chad and I were still laying in bed giggling and listening to this over the monitor. Finally the boys yelled for us to come out and that Santa was here. The boys had a very merry christmas and each received train tracks, batman toys and other fun things. Caylee got her two front teeth, some cute teething toys...and a sign a ma jig!! Woot Woot!!

Later that day we headed over to my moms for our annual steak and crab leg dinner. Yummo! We had a wonderful and fabulous day and so fortunate to be able to spend it with our family.

1 comment:

Team Thompson said...

love the first picture of Cole...just beautiful of him...oh and love Chad's pj's too. such a fun slideshow to watch!