Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good to the last drop!

need i say anything more...

There's something about that milk at the bottom of a cereal bowl that tastes so good. I think it's time for me to go and get the bowls that have the build in straws. Might save me a bath or two. I ran upstairs to go and check on the baby and came down to this. Of course I had to run and grab the camera. He had the milk in his hair, down his shirt and probably just a couple drops actually made it to his mouth.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Boy fun vs. Girl fun

Boy Fun -

My husband is in a fantasy football league. Yesterday he had his 'draft' party here at the house. The guys sat around for two hours, while some even conferenced in over the phone, to pick their players. Afterwards, they stared at the board anxioulsy awaiting the start of the football season to see how their players will do. Here are some pictures:

Girl Fun -

I am in a bunco group that meets once a month. Every month we have a theme and the theme for August was Bunco Key West - Margaretville! Dress like you are in the keys. So, I went to pick up my friend Laura, aka 'Windy', who got stuck in the tropical wind storm that was brewing in the keys...

While safely indoors and out of the storm there were Margarita's that needed to be drank and dice that needed to be rolled. My opinion, girl fun is way more fun than boy fun!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pimp my Wagon

So the boys and I like to play outside. However it's still so stinking hot that we don't make it out as often as we would like. In the evening I take the boys for a short wagon ride - basically to the mailbox and back. I came across a canopy attachment and it finally arrived. Too bad we can't install an ac unit. Then their wagon would really be pimped out!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

If the shoe fits...

Boy are we glad Daddy is back to work. Now we can go back to playing with Mommies shoes and make up! The boys and I enjoyed having Chad home for the past 2 weeks. We had fun playing and doing some house projects (which i will post pictures once they are complete) but, duty calls. Chad started his first day today at Philosophy and the only thing I am really interested in is when do we get the discount card?!?!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Playgroup Family Dinner

The Perham Gang hosted family night for our Tuesday playgroup. We had 14 adults, 11 kiddos and 2 babies in the belly over! The kids feasted on chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese while the adults had chicken and steak tacos!! The men tried to watch some preseason football, but realized that was not going to happen with all the ruckos. Cole had a blast playing ring around the roise for the very first time. He was laughing hysterically and couldn't wait until 'we all fall down'! Looking forward to our next family dinner.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Carson's 3 month pictures

Today we took Carson to get his 3 month pictures. He was all smiles. Looks like him and his brother Cole are going to break our bank every time we go and get photos. How can you say no when they are so stinking cute?!

I still can't believe he is 3 months old. It seems like yesterday that we sent the below picture out to everyone. Next thing you know I will be posting pictures of them starting school...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Play Date

My MOMS Club has a playgroup for toddlers and we all met up this morning for the first time. Cole had so much fun playing with his friends. Here are some pictures of Cole playing.

Cole was happy to see 'Baby' as he calls him when we got home.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lucky Lady

My husband is so sweet!! The other day Chad surprised me by saying that I had an appointment Friday at Avanti. I had no idea what Avanti was but figured it was a salon/spa. I asked what I was getting done and he said you will just have to show up and find out. Well, today was the day and lucky me received a 1 hour massage and a pedicure. Can I just tell you how awesome the massage was. Truly to die for. It was so nice to just relax and have some peace and quite. Later on we dropped the kids off at Grandma and Grandpa's to go head out to dinner.
Grandma and Grandpa can't get enough of Cole and Carson.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fun with Tuesday Playgroup

Cole and I have been apart of Tuesday Playgroup for almost a year now. We were in a gym class at Rolie Pollies and met some moms who asked us if we wanted to join their playgroup. We have been meeting up with them every Tuesday for close to a year now and love it! There are 8 of us in the group with kids all around Colie's age and, all but one of us are expecting or just had their second baby. So, that means there will be a total of 15 kids all under the age of 2 1.5 - 11 girls and 4 boys. The statistics are pretty good for my boys!!

Today we met at Superstion Springs Mall for the kids to play in the play area. Then we headed over to the food court for lunch and a spin on the carousal. Cole cries every time he has to get off. He also insists on sitting on the Tiger - roar!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Growing like a weed

Baby Carson is growing like a weed. He is now wearing 6-9 months because he is so long. Can you believe?!?! My baby is growing up right before my eyes. Meanwhile, can't seem to keep Cole in his bed anymore. I figure over time he will realize that his bed is much more comfier than the floor.