Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fun with Tuesday Playgroup

Cole and I have been apart of Tuesday Playgroup for almost a year now. We were in a gym class at Rolie Pollies and met some moms who asked us if we wanted to join their playgroup. We have been meeting up with them every Tuesday for close to a year now and love it! There are 8 of us in the group with kids all around Colie's age and, all but one of us are expecting or just had their second baby. So, that means there will be a total of 15 kids all under the age of 2 1.5 - 11 girls and 4 boys. The statistics are pretty good for my boys!!

Today we met at Superstion Springs Mall for the kids to play in the play area. Then we headed over to the food court for lunch and a spin on the carousal. Cole cries every time he has to get off. He also insists on sitting on the Tiger - roar!!!

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