Monday, May 31, 2010

busy busy

We have been busy putting together Carson's room and baby Caylee's room. Can't wait to post pictures of each. Carson's transition to the big boy room has been awesome. We learned after Cole what to do and not to do. So to make things easier for us, we turned the knob and have locked the door. He stays in his bed, no crying and when he wakes up you can usually find him sitting on the floor or in his bed reading books! Much easier with Carse than with Cole. But, Cole was only 17 months old when we moved him to the big boy bed and Carson is 2.
I do miss Carson in his crib. I miss going in there in the morning and watching him bounce up and down because he is so happy to see me and so happy to get out of his crib. Now, he just runs right by me and looks for cole:(
We didn't want to buy new baby furniture since we have furniture in perfect condition, but I wanted the furniture in white. Here is Chad sanding the furniture.

Carson graduated from his second year of swimming lesson. I have put both boys through the ISR program and am so happy with the results

Summer time means hamburgers and hot dogs. The boys have been busy grilling on Carson's
new grill. Carson got a super cool grill from Grandpa Chuck and Granda Cindy and they love to grill as much as their daddy.

Cole has been saying the cutest, funniest and sweetest things lately. Here are a few:

* It's freaking hot out - opps got that one from me
* I am cooking in the sun
* I'm so happy
* Mom, I am so happy that you are home - how sweet is that?!

The simplest statement of "Mom, I'm so happy" makes me pause for a second and think yeah, I am too. I love all of my wonderful boys and ....I'm so happy!

Noodle fun. Awhile back we colord a bunch of noodles. When we need to kill time I bust out the noodles. Here the boys are proudly displaying their noodle art.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today I took the boys to get their pictures done at the photo studio. It has been awhile since we have been there and it's beed for good reason. The first reason - they never seem to capture any good pictures of Carson and his personality. I realized that I have taken better pictures of him and just used those as his 10 month and 1 year marker. Second, Cole was a pistol and wouldn't cooperate. Well people, let me tell was a SUCCESS. I got the cutest pictures of Carson which truly captured him and his personality and some great ones of Cole as well. Here they are:


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby Shower Dinner

I was spoiled last week by all my girlfriends. The playgroup ladies took me out to a baby shower dinner at Oreganos. It was so nice to sit back, relax and visit without all the commotion of the kiddos. This summer will make 3 years of being in playgroup with these wonderful ladies.

Baby Shower Bunco

This months theme for bunco was Baby Shower Bunco! We played our normal two rounds of bunco and during intermission I opened presents. Let me tell you how cute all the outfits were. I am going to have so much fun dressing baby Caylee up. I also walked away that night a winner...Most Babies. How ironic is that?! Thanks bunco gals, you all rock!!

Carson's birthday celebration

We celebrated Carson's 2nd birthday at the splash park in our neighborhood. We invited are friends from playgroup and Moms club. Since Carson loves airplanes, we did an airplane theme. The invitation was a boarding pass that I ordered off of etsy and was too cute for words. I had a baggage claim table for the party favors and my favorite thing of all was the cake I made. It turned out so super cute.

Carson had a fun time celebrating his birthday with all of his friends. Here are some pictures:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Carson

At age 2...
* loves, loves, loves airplanes
*now sleeps in a big boy bed
* loves his big brother
* wants to be big and gets super frustrated
* does not want to sit in a shopping cart to save his life
* loves hot dogs/corn dogs
* loves his blankie to pieces and cries when we have to wash it
* sucks his thumb - only when he haves his blankies
* gives the best slobbery kisses
* has the cutest wobble run there is
* one tough cookie
* cute as can be
* has added lots of new works and sentences to his vocab - I want out, I want down, etc
* loves to read books
* does not like to listen and will run the other way when I call his name
* hide and seek is his favorite game
* wants to ride his new bike like a big boy
* still scared of slides.

Happy Birthday to my baby Carson. Life wouldn't be the same without you in it. It is such a joy to watch you grow everyday and to see your sparkly smile. You truly light up our lives!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Carson's big boy bed

The bed has arrived and has been assembled. Here is a picture of Carson's big boy bed. It was just delivered today so we have yet to sleep in it. It's a twin size trundle bed!!!!! We will let you know how the transition goes. More pictures to come of the room as it is a work in progress!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Airplane Pillow

Sometimes I amaze myself and this little project would be one of them. I am not trying to toot my own horn, but I can't believe how good my project turned out. What you ask?? A little toss pillow for Carson. We have major transformations going on here in the Perham household. First, the baby nursey for little miss Caylee and second, Carson's big boy room. Carson's big boy room is going to be airplane themed...and I just made him the CUTEST toss pillow for his bed. Here you go....
I made the entire pillow - the airplane applique and all. I LOVE IT!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Busy Saturday

We had a busy day yesterday. We started the morning off taking the kids Home Depot for the free workshop that they host on the first Satruday of each month. They were making the perfect gift for mothers day and we thought what a great gift for the grandma's. Spolier alerty - Yes grandmas, this is your gift. However, the boys are going to add some special touches to it!

While the boys were napping my Mom took me out for my birthday. We went to lunch then a movie. We saw Jennifer Lopez's new movie The back up plan and it was funny. I had a great time spending time with my mom.

After nap time the boys headed to USA gym to celebrate Molly and Rhett's 3rd birthday. They had so much fun swining into the foam pit, hanging from the high bars and running around with their friends. Happy birthday Molly and Rhett!!

5 years

This past Friday, Chad and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. Can you believe that we have been married for only 5 years or can you believe that it's been 5 years already! Either way we have been busy which is why i think it seems like so much longer. We have lived in three houses, have a 3 1/2 year old, 2 year old and a baby on the way. Phew!!! I have loved every minute with my amazing husband and looking forward to 5 plus many more years with him!

We had a fantastic time celebrating our anniversary. Friday night I made stuffed shells and poped up the canopy tent in the back yard...with the help of my neighbor. I strung lights in it and the boys were super excited eat dinner in the tent! Then on Saturday night my mom came over and Chad and I went out to a nice dinner followed by a movie.

Below is a picture of the tent set-up.


Who ever invented washable paints is a pure genious!!!!