Sunday, May 2, 2010

5 years

This past Friday, Chad and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. Can you believe that we have been married for only 5 years or can you believe that it's been 5 years already! Either way we have been busy which is why i think it seems like so much longer. We have lived in three houses, have a 3 1/2 year old, 2 year old and a baby on the way. Phew!!! I have loved every minute with my amazing husband and looking forward to 5 plus many more years with him!

We had a fantastic time celebrating our anniversary. Friday night I made stuffed shells and poped up the canopy tent in the back yard...with the help of my neighbor. I strung lights in it and the boys were super excited eat dinner in the tent! Then on Saturday night my mom came over and Chad and I went out to a nice dinner followed by a movie.

Below is a picture of the tent set-up.

1 comment:

Team Thompson said...

Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy Anniversary!

what a fun romantic and yummy dinner. Congrats!