Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Carson

At age 2...
* loves, loves, loves airplanes
*now sleeps in a big boy bed
* loves his big brother
* wants to be big and gets super frustrated
* does not want to sit in a shopping cart to save his life
* loves hot dogs/corn dogs
* loves his blankie to pieces and cries when we have to wash it
* sucks his thumb - only when he haves his blankies
* gives the best slobbery kisses
* has the cutest wobble run there is
* one tough cookie
* cute as can be
* has added lots of new works and sentences to his vocab - I want out, I want down, etc
* loves to read books
* does not like to listen and will run the other way when I call his name
* hide and seek is his favorite game
* wants to ride his new bike like a big boy
* still scared of slides.

Happy Birthday to my baby Carson. Life wouldn't be the same without you in it. It is such a joy to watch you grow everyday and to see your sparkly smile. You truly light up our lives!

1 comment:

Team Thompson said...

seriously...you are screwed when he is old enough to date. the girls are going to come a-runin! :)