Friday, October 1, 2010

'll lady is 3 months old

Little miss Caylee is 3 months old. My.Oh.My!

What are we doing at 3 months:
*Caylee loves to coo. She could coo all day long and have a conversation. If you look at her in the eyes and talk to her, she lights up and coo's right back.
* She smiles!!! She gets so excited to see me, daddy and her brothers and lights right up. Every now and then you can get a giggle. She has been smiling since about 5 weeks but it seems as if her smile seems to grow bigger every day.
* She still loves to swing!!
* She loves, loves, loves to be carried around in the baby backpack when we are out and about running errands.
* She eats every 3 hours
* She sleets 8 hours before a feeding at night time. last week we were blessed with a 9 hour night and a 12 hour night but, 8 hours is pretty consistent.
* she has turned into our little pork chop!
* and last but not least...she is stubbor and still refuses the bottle:(

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