Now that Caylee is one, what is she up too:
* She eats anything, I mean anything - cheeseburgers, pizza, watermelon, popcorn, strawberries and her favorites - mac n cheese, bananas and spaghetti
* She is Chat-tey! she babbles all the time. She can say doggie, hi, drink.
* When she's tired she starts humming/singing which is the cutest thing ever
* She has to have whatever the boys are having. If they are eating something that she isn't, she throws a fit
* Is one tough cookie when it comes to her brothers
* can stand up for a couple seconds and gets super proud
* tries to put bows on her head!!
* loves to play with her toys
* she has majority of her teeth and is just needs four more teeth
* drinks everything from a sippy cup
* Dr. informed me at her one year she is more like a 15 month old - she is too big for her britches.
Super proud she is standing