Friday, September 4, 2009

Halloween Costumes

I picked out the boys Halloween Costumes at Costco the other day. The costumes were intended for Halloween but that is not the case with Cole. When we got home I tried the costumes on the boys and realized the Tiger I bought for Carson was too small. Cole tried his costume on and hasn't taken it off since! He wants to wear it everywhere...even to bed. If you see a little fireman at your local grocery store or around the town...It's Cole!

Seems to be in the air this sleeping in costume thing. I called my girlfriend Laura the other day and was telling her the story. Well, her little 4 year old seems to want to sleep in his buzz light year outfit. His Andrew in his gloves, space wings and buzz light year underroos!!Sleep tight buzz light year!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

So cute! I made the mistake of getting Alexander's Spiderman Halloween costume last week, too, and he has not taken it off(except to go to school) for five days straight! Hopefully they'll last until October 31st:)