Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Colie

My baby is 3!!! Where did the time go.

It seemed like yesterday that Cole was in my belly and we were so anxious, nervous, excited and scared to have our first baby. From the minute we saw you it was love at first sight. You are one of the most precious gifts given to me and daddy!

You are quite the little man who makes me laugh every day. You say cute things do cute things and are just plain cute. Here is a little trip down memory lane...

Here is Cole fresh out of the oven!proud papaOne proud and happy momma!!Homecoming day - Halloween!!

1 year2 year

3 year

We had fun celebrating Cole's birthday this year halloween style. We invited all of our friends over today. We put together candy necklaces, swung at the pinata, ate yummy halloween food, opened presents and ate cupcakes!!! Then we celebrated a second time with all the grandparents. We had pizza, opened more presents and ate more cupcakes!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Funny Car Races

This past weekend the Perham Gang along with Grammy K headed to the funny car races at Firebird raceway. Don't worry, we have never heard of this before either. My moms company happens to own a few race cars so they were a sponsor and gave us free tickets!! Funny car faces started 2 years ago.

Let me tell you - funny car races puts the noise at monster jam to shame. We had brought Cole's cool monster jam ear muffs and bought a pair for Carson while we were there. And, it's a good thing we did. I about died when the first races took place. They only went a quarter of a mile in 5.8 seconds hit 250 miles per hour. WHOOZERS!

After a couple races and feeling like we were now deaf, we headed over to the suite. The suite was awesome. It was right at the starting line and there was an outside patio. Well, let me tell you - not only was it deafening when the cars took off, but now since we were so close your whole body vibrated. It was like eating Tai food, you just kept doing it for the rush. Crazy I tell ya. The kids had fun hanging out in the suite with the other kids and never messed with their ear muffs. I think they knew not to touch.
This is one of the race cars that my moms company owns.Carson and I getting ready to enjoy the races - before the shock and awe of the soundHanging with my mom in the suiteView from our patioCarson doing what he does best - EATING!

How cute is my little man?!Ear Muffs or bust!!!!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

U2 and Black Eye Peas

The Schimels were nice enough to invite Chad and I to join them at the U2 concert a couple nights ago. I was super excited for two reasons - first U2 is awesome and second, the opening band was Black Eye Peas. I love black eye peas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say I was super excited to go.
We had a great time and didn't get home until 1am. Let me tell you, if you get home from a concert at 1am...your kids don't care. They still wake up at the same time and expect you to play, play, play!!! At 6:30 Cole said it's time to get up mommy. I thought to myself NO-O-O-O say it isn't so.

Jenni and I getting ready to walk inChad, myself, Jenni and JoshBlack Eye Peas performing.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Winter Lawn

Even though it's in the high 90's it's time to lay the seed for our winter lawn. After watching football on Sunday it was time for yard work. Good thing Chad has all his little helpers with him. I think it made it go much faster!!!

Fun on the farm!!

We headed out for our second annual family day excursion to Scnhepf Farms with Aunti Tia and Ava. This year the Schimmel family joined us as well. We went on a mini train ride, watched the pig races, went on a roller coaster ride and ate some great food. The only thing that we didn't enjoy was the weather. It was blazin hot. The kids didn't seem to mind the heat and fortunately I had sun screen in my purse.

On the way out the kids got to pick out pumpkins. Cole had fun pushing the pumokins like he was bowling and Carson just didn't know which one to get! We are looking forward to heading back next year for our 3rd year!

Zoo day

We had a couple days of nice weather last week so we took advantage of it and headed to the zoo! It was just me and the boys and I ran into one of my girlfriends with her daughter there. The boys and I had a fun time hanging out with Kelly and Teagan.

Cole and Carse had a great time checking out all the animals. Cole loved all the animals and Carson LOVED the monkeys!! I can see why, he reminds me of one at times.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

pee pee on the potty

Cole is a big boy now and has been potty tranined for about a month or so. We just put underwear on him one day and he has been going ever since. He stays dry during nap time and wets the bed here and there at night. I refuse to buy pull ups so I get him up every night around 11 to go potty. A couple nights ago I forgot to go in there and he woke up dry!! Maybe i will see how it goes next week dropping the evening potty break. For the most part we don't have any accidents. But, occasinally we have one here and there. Here is what happened this morning here in our house:

I was getting ready for MOPS today and came into the family room to play monster trucks with the boys

Me: where are your undies Colie?
Cole: I peed
Me: where?
Cole: right there Mama
Me: show me
Cole: right here and walked me to the spot in the hallway
Me: oh Cole, you are supposed to go pee pee on the potty
Cole: I’m sorry Mama

It was so cute how he said I'm sorry Mama that i just said it's ok cole, maybe next time you can go on the potty and have him a hug!

Friday, October 9, 2009

park time

The weather has been awesome and we have been taking advantage of playing outside as much as we can. We went to the park with Bobbi and her boys Nate and Wyatt and had a great time. We are sad as they will be moving up to Flagstaff in a couple months. They used to be our old neighbors and Nate was Colies first friend. We will miss you guys!

I got the cutest pics of Carse on the swing -

All four boys swinging

Cole and Wyatt

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Grandpa Chuck in town

This past weekend my Dad and step mom came into town. They arrived last Wednesday and left this past Sunday. We had a great visit while they were here and the kids were super excited to see Grandpa Chuck and Grandma Cindy.

Cole and Grandpa Chuck on the slide.Sitting on the patio at the hangar cafe. Our favorite breakfast spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carson is in love with airplanes right. He just goes nuts everytime he sees them.

Happy Birthday Grammy K

My Moms birthday was last week so i took the kids into her work for lunch. They LOVE, LOVE, LOVE going to visit grammy K at work. We picked up lunch, Uncle Jon, made a big cookie pie then hung out on the tarmac watching the planes get ready to take off.

Weekend in Vegas

Where does the time go? Seriously I have been so busy the past couple weeks making superhero capes. If you see personalized batman or superman capes halloween night, i probably made it.

Last weekend (not this past weekend but the weekend before that) Chad and I escaped on a vacation to Las Vegas. Chad had to go for work so then we decided to make a weekend out of it! I enjoyed laying by the pool while chad was in class the first day. Then we headed out to dinner and had sushi at an amazing restaurant in the bellagio - Yellowtail. We can't wait to visit the restaurant next time we are in Vegas.
Below is the picture of the view we had while eating:
The rest of the weekend consisted of watching football, a little blackjack and the Penn and Teller show - which was awesome!!! All in all it was a great weekend with my wonderful husband.