Monday, August 9, 2010

nice shiner carson!

Maybe now Carson will listen to his mommy....

The other day the boys kept climbing on the back of the couch. Over and over I would say get down or you are going to fall. But, for some reason their listening ears were not on (not sure if they have ever been:)). Well, i was getting the boys ready for bed and was getting them a cup of milk. I saw Carson on the back on the couch and said...get down or your gonna fall for the umpteenth time. Well this time, he fell. He slammed his head into the tile and about gave me a heart attack. I freaked out and called my friend Kyle whose husband is a paramedic. He said to keep an eye on him and keep him up for about an hour.

When he woke up the next morning, this is what he looked like. Maybe next time they will listen to their mommy!!