Wednesday, March 2, 2011

8 months old

My Baby girl is 8 months old. Holy smokes...where does the time go. Isn't she getting so big? I took these pictures yesterday during her nap time. She looked so cute and snuggly.

She is just as amazing as the other two were and are. She is so happy and loves her brothers. She lights up when she sees me and gets super excited when someone gets her out of her crib. She is doing the army crawl and scooting around everywhere. Pretty soon she will be on the move. She loves food and is going to be a good eater. She loves all baby food and eats people food as well. She has had noodles, banannas, peas, green beans, mango, pieces of pizza and bread. She loves to feed herself and also drinks water from a sippy cup. I am so amazed at how happy she is all the time. She is a ray of sunshine.

here is her schedule:
starts her day around 7ish
naps at 9
nurse at 11
lunch with boys at noon
naps at 1
eats dinner w fam around 5:30
bedtime 6:30
wakes up around 3

Everyday I thank God for giving me such beautiful and healthy children. I feel so fortunate to have all three of my children and get sad at times knowing we are done. So I will enjoy and be grateful for what I do have.


The Angelo Family said...

I can't believe Caylee is 8 months already! She is perfectly beautiful.

A2 Garcia said...

She is so cute, Carrie, I want to eat her!! You have such a beautiful family!! Oh and the headband reminded me...I have some for you since I won't be using them :)

The Lenning Family said...

love this post, espcially the sleeping pictures. I just want to cuddle her.

Team Thompson said...

I love this post, espcially the sleeping pictures. I just want to hold her.