Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I LOVE halloween.  I LOVE every part of it - from the costumes, to the trick or treating to the planning it all out.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE halloween!!!!!  It may even be tied with Christmas as one of my favorite holidays.  

This year the boys wanted to be batman and spiderman.  So, i thought to myself 'heck 2 out of the 3 are a theme, let's do it!' and wha la.  Super heros it was.  So, without a say or an opinion, little miss caylee was super girl.  If i do say so myself, she looked super cute.

The boys loved trick of treating with the neighbors and sorting out all of their loot.  This years trick or treating experience was much different then last years.  The boys were not afraid or timid at all.  they had no problem running house to house and yelling to trick or treat.  Sometimes Carson would stand at the door wanting more.  Miss Caylee had no problem either once she figured out candy was her reward.

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