We have been busy putting together Carson's room and baby Caylee's room. Can't wait to post pictures of each. Carson's transition to the big boy room has been awesome. We learned after Cole what to do and not to do. So to make things easier for us, we turned the knob and have locked the door. He stays in his bed, no crying and when he wakes up you can usually find him sitting on the floor or in his bed reading books! Much easier with Carse than with Cole. But, Cole was only 17 months old when we moved him to the big boy bed and Carson is 2.
I do miss Carson in his crib. I miss going in there in the morning and watching him bounce up and down because he is so happy to see me and so happy to get out of his crib. Now, he just runs right by me and looks for cole:(
We didn't want to buy new baby furniture since we have furniture in perfect condition, but I wanted the furniture in white. Here is Chad sanding the furniture.
Carson graduated from his second year of swimming lesson. I have put both boys through the ISR program and am so happy with the results
Summer time means hamburgers and hot dogs. The boys have been busy grilling on Carson's
new grill. Carson got a super cool grill from Grandpa Chuck and Granda Cindy and they love to grill as much as their daddy.
Cole has been saying the cutest, funniest and sweetest things lately. Here are a few:
* It's freaking hot out - opps got that one from me
* It's freaking hot out - opps got that one from me
* I am cooking in the sun
* I'm so happy
* Mom, I am so happy that you are home - how sweet is that?!
The simplest statement of "Mom, I'm so happy" makes me pause for a second and think yeah, I am too. I love all of my wonderful boys and ....I'm so happy!