Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We've moved

Chad and I, along with the help of his family, moved this past weekend. We are so fortunate to of had the weather cooperate with us. It has been blazin' hot lately, but for our moving weekend it was nice and cloudy. Phew! We have been in our house for a little less than a week and love it!! We are so excited that everything worked out for us and we were able to sale our old house. We can't wait to grow old here and to watch our boys grow up in this house.
Here is how the move happend - Chad was on a bike ride with the boys ande came home to tell me there was a huge lot avail in a cul-de-sac and asked me if I wanted to go and look. Well, I went to go and look thinking my husband is crazy and fell in love with the house. First and foremost it's a 1 story!!! And second, the lot size. This is the house that we will be planted in 4-eva!!! Here are some pics of the dirt lot.
Cole helping Daddy dig a hole for our very first tree. That was much harder than Chad had anticipated.
One of our side yards.Back of the houseThis side yard is going to be our baseball diamond - seriously, i am not joking.


Team Thompson said...

Love it and looking forward to lots of playdates there. :)

Karen said...

That is so awesome Carie- think of the endless playing possiblities for that yard! Was it a new house? I'm so glad you sold your old one and everything went well!