Thursday, May 7, 2009

Future Star

My girlfriend Jean, who works for Gilbert Fire, called me the other morning to ask what we were doing. I told her nothing and she said come down to station #1 right now, we are filming for car seats and we need a baby. So, off we went. The Gilbert Fire partnered up with they Phoenix Coyotes to film a public service announcement that will go on Channel 11(Gilbert’s PSA channel) and will go on the Coyotes website. Once we get the link I will share with everyone. So for now, here is a picture of our fun day!! The hockey player from the Coyotes is Steven Reinprecht. As you can see Cole was a little camera shy!!

1 comment:

Team Thompson said...

sooooooooo cool! Can't wait to see your star and get his autograph. I mean...paper with drool on it. :)