Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The boys and I had a fun time making a mess...I mean making cookies!! We made oatmeal craisin white chocolate chip cookies and they were delicious. If you live in my neighborhood, you were lucky enough to receive a bag of them. I love to bake but I have to give away what i make or send Chad off to work with the goodies. If i leave them at home.... DANGER!
Mom, I am ready to bake!!! When Cole was little he was my counter top baby. He sat in the bumbo chair non-stop while I cooked. He loved to be apart of things and sat very patiently. Now, i have Mr. Wiggles (Carson) who can't sit still to save his life. I had to keep my eye on him like a hawk to make sure he didn't wiggle out of the bumbo. He only gets to sit on the counter top for special occasions. Cole on the other hand - anytime!My apologies if the cookies don't taste that good. As you can see not all of the ingredients made it in!!!


Unknown said...

The cookies were amazing! In fact, I think I'm going to have another one right now, even if it is only 9:30 am!

Sara said...

They look yummy!